"NO child or future generation will ever know what this was like. They will never understand,
When it is over we will go quietly among the living and we will not tell them.
We will talk and sleep and go about our business like human beings.
We will seal what we have seen in the silence of our hearts and no words will reach us"
Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks.
Well folks. Stone me another year has gone past and i have finished studying for good. I have just returned from another man of Kent tour with David. I am considering writing it up, this time we toured down to the Marne and what was impressive was visiting the site of the fight at Nery. On the way down we went via Mons, another first for us.
So what have i been involved in. Well i have been collaborating with mates from Ashford on a project called Ashfords Fallen. Several of us like minded creatres have been working on the same area. After a while we decided to come together to combine all of our efforts . We then took it one stage further and we put it onto the web as a dedication to the men from the Ashford area. So another off my web designs are on line link below:
Who is Kyle?-
The Halifax Explosion: 6th December 1917-By Trevor Tasker
Gas, Gas!!!- the next episode in the sick parade-Mustard Gas poisoning
Loo's - Kents 1st Day of the Somme-
Men of Kent on tour- France Sept 8th- Sept 12th 1997
If- an alternative version, an oldie but a goodie
The Royal Marines on the Ancre 13-11-16.
Verdun -80th anniversary trip-By Trevor Tasker
Your village memorial- my experiences in researching mine and how to do yours
Gavrelle Now-Just what's there today-Now with Trev's tour added
The Grave of War Poet: Isaac Rosenberg- By Trevor Tasker
The Royal Marines at Gavrelle 28th April 1917- A complete re analysis and in depth study of this action which claimed the lives of more Royal Marines than any other action
Backs to the Wall- The Royal Marines in March 1918
Review of Battleground Europe "Walking the Somme"
Capt.W.M.Benton-The fighting Vicar
Death Sentences passed in the RND, the men who were not shot- exclusive and interesting
RND the New WW1 Journal- On the subject of the RND, Len Sellers project - - Subscribe now!!!!!
Some Kent War Memorials
Soldiers service papers at the PRO-a review-by me!
Medal Rolls- an essential research tool for anyone researching men and units of WW1 not just medal collectors- remember the majority of servicemen qualified
Officers service papers- just out, review by me!!!
AIR 76-The service papers for officers of the RAF.
The RND order of Battle- , formation, actions , VC winners etc
Soldiers Died in The Great War CD- my review.
Royal Navy Service papers- my review
RNVR service papers-my review
Royal Marine Service papers
Links to other, maybe better sites- find yourself a better'ole
Please give me your thoughts, ideas and let me know who's out there .