"NO child or future generation will ever know what this was like. They will never understand,

When it is over we will go quietly among the living and we will not tell them.

We will talk and sleep and go about our business like human beings.

We will seal what we have seen in the silence of our hearts and no words will reach us"

Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks.


Well folks. Stone me another year has gone past and i have finished studying for good. I have just returned from another man of Kent tour with David. I am considering writing it up, this time we toured down to the Marne and what was impressive was visiting the site of the fight at Nery. On the way down we went via Mons, another first for us.

So what have i been involved in. Well i have been collaborating with mates from Ashford on a project called Ashfords Fallen. Several of us like minded creatres have been working on the same area. After a while we decided to come together to combine all of our efforts . We then took it one stage further and we put it onto the web as a dedication to the men from the Ashford area. So another off my web designs are on line link below:

This is whats currently on my site, the copy date of this edition is:   Oct 2005

Some Kent War Memorials

Please give me your thoughts, ideas and let me know who's out there .

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