"if you knows a better 'ole then go to it"

Tom Morgans Hellfire Corner

An excellent interesting site, takes up much of my on line time. Tom has been a great help to me, a genuine nice bloke, the site is excellent.

I am a proud member of the Western Front Association. This is their site check it out .If you are viewing from abroad, why not join, the journal "Stand to" is worth the membership fee on it's own. The motto is remembering, my interpretation of this is of both sides of the wire.


John is one of my mates with many common interests. This site is dedicated to the RND and men of Barnsley predominantly. For those who have seen my article on Jack Clegg, Jack is Johns Great Uncle. There are many excellent articles especially as regards to the men not comemorated by the CWGC who really should have been.

The Commonwealth Wargraves Commission

This is the homepage of the CWGC, the respect I have for this organisation and it's work has no limit, the professionalism and standards are second to none in my opinion

The Diggers of Belgium Site

This group of men have attracted a great deal of flak. I am of the belief that good battlefield archeology is now vital to our understanding of WW1, with the battlefields dissappearing under concrete, the activity of this group is commendable. Look at the evidence on the site and make up your own mind. Unusually for me I will state openly that i support these men and hope people can be broadminded enough to see the evidence before they condemn. These men are in no way connected to the numerous grave robbers that populate France.

The Belgian WW! Archeology site-A19 Project.

The extention of the A19 across the Frezenberg ridge has caused much debate in Belgium. The governement commissioned Archeologists to test areas along the route. This group produces write ups of there excavations. These projects should be supported. The last tommies are now dying off, we are now relying on archeolog