Most of us will be familiar with the Kipling Poem-IF., which lays down the rights and wrongs of how to become a man. Towards the end of the last war a parody of this appeared in -'The incubator' which was a publication of the RND's home base at Blandford the parody was called'You're RND'. The author of this parody was Surgeon Commander McCracken who was the MO of Hood battalion. I know it's an old gem this poem but being an enthusiast of the Royal Naval Division (RND) this I feel is worth an air on my homepage:
You're RND
If you can keep your head when all around you
is shot and shell and bomb and poison gas;
If you can keep your watch though dugout tempts you,
As round your post death's missiles fiercely pass,
If you with calm can face the hellish war- tune
If you can fight,though fightings not your aim;
If you can meet with vic'ry or misfortune,
And treat them both as part of the great game,
If you can bear the risks and daily terrors
Of frontline trench or billets nightly shelled,
And serve the staff as though they've made no errors,
Though often,perhaps,quite different views you've held;
If you can speculate upon your chances
Of winning through, and count them ten to one,
And take the lot on counting deaths last dances
Where duty calls or honour to be won;
If you serene can face the shell made curtain,
and through it merge, with courage undismayed,
Nor turn right nor left to make more certain
You're not alone-not alone being unafraid;
if though you wish for peace,you've yet decided
You will not sheath the sword you wear today;
Even though in arms you may have long abided,
You'll carry on till foes shall own your sway;
If you can kill the Huns and keep on killing,
Until at length they cry aloud, "you've won!"
Yours is the corps whose glories send hearts thrilling,
You're justly proud-you're RND, my son,