Dear readers I thought I'd let you know about my annual trip to the Battlefields of France with my friend David and I make every September. This time I decided to write up what I did and what I thought.I will do this as a daily write up. it should be said that every individual has his/her own reasons for going. When you are there the feelings you get are a very personal mater that only you know. Many of us who have travelled the area have common feelings and ideas, it is stange how the same habits occur, one being the walk to the Newfoundland park at night from Les Galets. Myself I'm in love with the Somme. The countryside is similar to Kent in geology, but has that rural French feel, something about the place draws you back, something you just can't put your finger on. Myself I don't like the Ypres salient, it's busy with lot's of high speed traffic, the countryside isn't that appealling and moreover, whenever I go there I just get this feeling of dread and suffering that normally hits me just after Ploogsteert drivi