A new WW1 journal has gone on sale devoted to the Royal Naval Division and all aspects of it's doings. This is the brain child of Len Sellers who has had two books relating to the RND published by Pen and Sword books called "The Hood Battalion" ,"For gods sake shoot Straight" and the latest one is "Shot in the tower" . Len believes that there still much to say about the RND and there is much work unpublished. He's right in this assumption as I have much work gathered in for the book that I'm writing and know of much more around so I feel that there is plenty to write about. The intention is to publish one journal every 3months, it will contain colour and black and white pictures, it will be roughly 60 pages plus. The initial cost was £4 an issue but Len has had to put it up to £6. This is a non profit making venture, if you think £6 is high,look at the price of your last computer mag which is usually full of crap with a free beer mat on the front!!. The quality of article is impressive and high, an index will be issued every 8 issues. I for one will be backing the project . I also feel that there is an appeal for everyone interested in the Great War. Len has supplied most of the material for the first two issues, hoping that others would chip in. His optomism has been repayed by being buried under a snowstorm of new and original material. The quality has to be good as it's going to be read by experts on the subject and I can assure you it takes time to do.
Anyone interested please contact;
Mr Len Sellers
Honeysuckle house
17a Bellhouse Rd,
Leigh on sea
Essex ss9 5NL
Tel: 01702 521550