"NO child or future generation will ever know what this was like. They will never understand,

When it is over we will go quietly among the living and we will not tell them.

We will talk and sleep and go about our business like human beings.

We will seal what we have seen in the silence of our hearts and no words will reach us"

Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks.


Well folks. The lastest news is that i have just changed hosts which hopefully will allow me to upload larger files and take advantage of my broadband. Due to the cost of daytrips the men of Kent have only done one day trip, in February. it was interesting, the Somme was empty of the British cars that swarm over the area in summer. The woods were empty, the undergrown dead so trench lines made an appearance again, which enabled me to see the RND battleground around Aveluy wood. Sadly the cemeteries are ignored and unvisited over this period except for the gardeners. A good trip even if we did get very wet!!.

The usual september man of Kent tour is off this year. I will be in Australia, Dave will be in Gallipoli, both achieving long objectives.

My studies continue so there will be periodic updats, mainly on the meorials or interesting RND stuff. On that subject. The PRO now allow digital cameras into the place. This has allowed me to photograph the entire battalion war diaries of all those of the RND, plus medal citations etc. Took me 6 visits and many hours of editing at home. Those of you who love your units, do the same and study the info at home. Sadly its dissapearing fast as idiots get at the information and wreck it. Much is now missing. Looking at the Hood Dairy, was a sad experience, luckily i know of an alternative. DO the same chaps and preserve you area of history before some idiot ruins it!!


The Somme itself has undergone a change, i think for the worse. The epitomy of this change was driving past the Newfoundland park, to the side of it was a squatter like camp, with a union flag flying. It was an eyesore and typical of how things have gone. I am mourning the passing of an old friend.

This is whats currently on my site, the copy date of this edition is:  20th Sept 2004

Some Kent War Memorials

Please give me your thoughts, ideas and let me know who's out there .

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