This is the page is some recommendations for an easier time. This is not gospel but a few pointers that I feel may help.
1, Decide where you are going to be based, we stay at Les Galets, I think that there is no better, and apart from ideal placement (Easy to get to Arras, Cambrai, Somme etc) , it's cheap and very comfortable to stay at. There are many British owned guest houses on the Somme now, ie Paul Reeds at Courcelette, Avril Williams at Auchanvillers so there is no real risk.
2, Advance planning is all important. That is work out your route down, the days journeys etc. Have a list of all the things you want to see, ie gravestones etc. This saves valueble time and stops the frustration of going back to your lodgings to find you forgot something, or go somewhere and realise that you can't remember why you are there. Maps are important, we found that the Yellow series michellin maps get you roughly to places (Get the ones from the CWGC that mark cemeteries on ) but lack the detail. So we took Michellin Blue series maps which are like our Ordance Survey maps, they are available from the WFA. A compass also helps.
3, A stock of guidebooks helps, we carry a mini library in the car, it consists of all the Battlefield Europe series currently available, Middlebrooks Somme Battlefields. The reason for this is for planning of trips and reading up on an area.
4, The roads are considerably less populated than here, and is generally not a problem, just avoid, Lens or Lille, Arras isn't to bad but those two can be avoided. Careful when you park up as touristy areas have had car break ins so don't carry large amounts of cash or passports. Make sure that your car is legal, ie in France you must carry the red triangle and have a first aid kit.
5, You will see lot's of battlefield relics , do not touch live grenades etc, they do kill, also the French authorities are getting pissed off with people blowing themselves up at home. They are out to clean up the Somme. For his reason you will not find de activated grenades on sale etc, if you are found with one you will be in for a hard time as the authorities will want to know who de activated it for you. Various cafes etc that used to sell these are regularly raided, if you are caught with these things you will be in it. You have been warned.
6, Take chocolate biscuits and fruit drinks etc if you go out, but them at home and take them with you or buy them locally. You will find that most of these villages do not have a single shop, France is still very rural, and cafes tend to close at dinner time. It's not a good idea to take to alcohol out on these walks, as it will dehydrate you.
7, Beware when wood walking, most wood are private property so do not abuse the hospitality of France. The wood also have traps in (Signs with Peche indicate this) Also after the war the French didn't get to particular about clearing up and just planted trees on things. Also shooting is common, their gun discipline is attrocious, they also shoot anything that moves, ie sparrows , for sport. They hide behind CWGC cemetery walls, one time we got up one morning and saw a line of men with guns walking along the field shooting, it was like the pals were back. The moral is, that you could get into terminal trouble if you venture somewhere you shouldn't.
8, Most of all enjoy it, it's great, I feel it's better walked , this is how tommy did it, but each to his own.